From Bandung to Pangandaran

Indonesian cities are crowded and noisy, so we are craving for some sun, sea and beaches. Pangandaran seems to be the perfect hide-out, but on the way to the coast we pay a short visit to Bandung, Cipanas and Garut. Bandung is this year’s host to the Asian African Conference and that opportunity was taken to give the city a…

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Semarang, Jakarta and Bogor

To get familiar with some more of the Indonesian habits we decide to stay in for a couple of days. After all this time in Malaysia it is quite a bit getting used to, Indonesia really is something else. Semarang is a nice lively city with some interesting sights. The Sam Koo Pong temple is worth a visit and while…

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Where everybody smokes and nobody walks: Welcome to Indonesia!

Since we already got our visa for Indonesia, we can simply join the que at the Malaysian-Indonesian border in Entikong. And we are glad we can, because we are immediately confronted with the Indonesian chaos. A boy who travels at the same bus and speaks a few words English comes to the rescue and eventually we get our stamps. The…

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