Only a week left …

Days fly by and the nights sleeping in our own bed are numbered. Our last working day is history and fortunately it is, because there are still plenty of things to take care of before we leave. The World Travel List still takes up a dominant place in the kitchen but is a bit shorter by now. One task that we just forgot to put on the list: getting rid of old and crappy stuff, cleaning out our place! A storage room, the attic, garage, wardrobe and in the blink of an eye we filled up two trailers with trash.

It took us somewhat by surprise when people started to say goodbye in the first week of the new year because ‘we probably will not see you again before leaving’. Oops, that caught us a little off guard! Everywhere and always there are people asking how things are going with the preparations and we have to admit that every now and then we get a little tired of telling the same story over and over again: we leave 6th of February, Kathmandu, no plan and in a year we’ll probably be back. At last. And yes, maybe earlier. But hey, honestly… we loooove telling every single one of you about our trip!

A week from now our backpacks will be packed and we will catch a train to Amsterdam. Fortunately, there is still some time for a fun party, a little carnaval celebration and big hugs and kisses from a lot of lovely people.

Ruben & Nadieh